
Rule Technology Now Offering Cyber Insurance

Rule Technology have partnered with Centre West to offer Cyber Protection Insurance.

Cyber insurance Policies vary in the benefits they provide. Your insurance broker can help you find the most suitable product that meets the needs of your business. To give you an idea, here’s the type of cover that your policy might include.

Type of cover Potential benefits
First Party Losses
Business Interruption Losses Covers financial loss you may suffer as a result of a cyber-attack.
Cyber extortion The costs of a cyber-attack, such as hiring negotiation experts, covering extortion demands and prevention of future threats.
Electronic Data Replacement The costs of recovering or replacing your records and other business data.
Third Party Losses
Security and Privacy Liability Damages to your reputation resulting from data breaches, such as loss of third-party data held on your system.
Defence Costs Funds the legal costs of defending claims.
Regulatory Breach Liability Covers legal expenses and the costs of fines arising from investigation by a government regulator.
Electronic Media Liability The costs of copyright infringement, defamation claims and misuse of certain types of intellectual property online.
Extra Expenses
Crisis Management Expenses Provides cover for the costs of managing a crisis caused by cyber hackers.
Notification and Monitoring Expenses The costs of notifying customers of a security breach and monitoring their credit card details to prevent further attacks.

Centrewest Insurance Brokers & Rule Technology Partnership Benefits

  • Rule Technology has a direct relationship to the insurer to manage potential claims and access the insurers Cyber Response Unit.
  • Cover has been pre-approved for approximately 98% of all Rule Technology clients.
  • Any claims will be managed by Centrewest Insurance Brokers in conjunction with Rule Technology.
  • This is an exclusive offering to Rule Technology clients.


If you have any questions, call the Rule Technology team on 1300 823 226 or email




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